How to download visual studio 2017 community on the d
How to download visual studio 2017 community on the d

how to download visual studio 2017 community on the d

BTW: This exe never showed up in my searches because it doesn't have any of these words in its name:

how to download visual studio 2017 community on the d

A new explorer browser will appear with the correct exe already highlighted.the Visual Studio 2017 shortcut > Open File Location.This might work, but I prefer not having things point to shortcuts, so. Windows 10 Start icon> Visual Studio 2017> More> Open File Location (which takes you to the shortcut in the start menu).I used the shortcut in my start menu to locate the root exe (since searches weren't finding it).Return to the External Script Editor as done in step 1, and select VS 2017 from the selection menu- if it's available-in my case it wasn't so it's time to find the exe for VS 2017.Close an reopen Unity (just to be sure everything grabs).Go to the prefs in Unity >Edit> Preferences.> External Tools> External Script Editor> MonoDevelop.BTW, his/her solution is solid except that 2017 wasn't appearing as a selection in my external editor drop down menu, which is why I'm expanding on it: Click to expand.Just in case you're like me and not that savvy in these regards, this is how I used MEGA64's solution.

How to download visual studio 2017 community on the d